Yumi Hara gig dates 2017

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14 Jan 2017, 20.00-1.00 (we'll be on approx 9.30pm)

with Dalston Ballet Company

(Yumi: perc and vo)

Water Rats, 328 Gray's Inn Road, King's Cross, LONDON, WC1X 8BZ

part of 'SCISM - The Gender Agenda - No.1 MALE (The Defence of Man)'


22 Jan 2017

Yumi Hara & SATO Yukie duo, Bar Isshee, Tokyo


26 Jan 2017

ABO (Association of British Orchestras) annual meeting, Bournemouth International Centre

BASCA presents Diversity discussion

(as a facilitator)



28 Jan 2017

with Dalston Ballet Company

(Yumi: piano and vo)

Water Rats, 328 Gray's Inn Road, King's Cross, LONDON, WC1X 8BZ

part of 'SCISM - The Gender Agenda - No.2 TRANS'


11 Feb 2017

with Dalston Ballet Company

(Yumi: harp and vo)

Water Rats, 328 Gray's Inn Road, King's Cross, LONDON, WC1X 8BZ

part of 'SCISM - The Gender Agenda - No.3 FEMALE'



22 Feb 2017, 1-2pm

Chris Cutler, Yumi Hara and Guy Harries with Students of University of East London

'Conspiracies' revised edition

UEL Experimental Music & Improvisation Lunchtime Concert Series

US.3.38 (Black Box studio) University Square Stratford, University of East London
1 Salway Road, London, E15 1NF, UK

entry free

24 Feb 2017, 6.30pm

UEL CPAD (Centre for Performing Arts Development) presents practice as research event series 1

David Toop talk and performance with Yumi Hara and Guy Harries

US.3.38 University Square Stratford, University of East London
1 Salway Road, London, E15 1NF, UK

[N.B. this is NOT UEL Stratford Campus. The building is called USS (University Square Stratford), much closer to Stratford Station, inside of the big roundabout, next to Theatre Royal and Stratford Circus. Don't ask locals for direction...they will direct you to Stratford Campus which is much further away, and you will probably not be able to make the event...

24 Feb 2017

with Dalston Ballet Company

(Yumi: YAMAHA reface-YC and vo)

VFD, 66 Stoke Newington Rd


8 March 2017

The Other Rock Show (Resonance FM, Marina Organ), guest appearance for the International Women's Day Special [Yumi Hara featuring Tatsuya Yoshida, 'Statement Heels', 'Cosmos Massive No.901'], [Hald the Sky 'Slice' (unreleased)]


26 March 2017

The Other Rock Show (Resonance FM, Marina Organ), guest appearance for International Women's Month(!)

31 March 2017, 6.30pm, entry free

UEL CPAD (Centre for Performing Arts Development) presents practice as research event series 2

Chris Cutler 'Probes' talk and performance with Yumi Hara and Guy Harries

US.3.38 University Square Stratford, University of East London
1 Salway Road, London, E15 1NF, UK

28 April 2017, 6.30pm, entry free

UEL CPAD (Centre for Performing Arts Development) presents practice as research event series 3

Kate Ryder & Tim Ewers, about PNOscan

US.3.15 University Square Stratford, University of East London
1 Salway Road, London, E15 1NF, UK


3 May 2017, 4.00pm, entry free

UEL CPAD (Centre for Performing Arts Development) presents Research Conversations

Yumi Hara talk: 'Half the Sky: the music of Lindsay Cooper' reconstruction of experimental rock compositions in a modern context

US.3.29 University Square Stratford, University of East London
1 Salway Road, London, E15 1NF, UK


18 May 2017

Fukuoka, Hakozaki Suizokukan Kissashitsu

Yumi HARA & SATO Yukie, with Tsuneo Takei (ds)



19 May 2017

Oiata, AT HALL

Yumi HARA & SATO Yukie


20 May 2017

Kobe, Big Apple

Yumi HARA & SATO Yukie, Andmo' (Theremin duo), Yu Sumikama (electronics solo)



21 May 2017

Hiroshima, OTIS!

Yumi HARA & SATO Yukie, Yoshio Kobayashi



22 May 2017

Nagoya, Nan'ya

Yumi HARA & SATO Yukie, Ryogai (Ryoko Ono & Gai) 



23 May 2017,

Yoyogi Barbara, Tokyo

The Tabard (Yumi Hara, Kazuto Shimizu, Louis Inage, Yuya Osabe) with guest SATO Yukie play Canterbury Favourites,



24 May 2017

Tokorozawa MOJO

Yumi HARA & SATO Yukie, with Toshiaki Sudoh (b)



25 May 2017

Osaka BAR STARLESS, Yumi talk & sing along session



26 May 2017

Yamaguchi Yuda-onsen Organ’s Melody Yumi Hara (key, harp, vo) & Yoshimitsu Ichiraku (modular synth)



27 May 2017

Hagi, Tamanegibatake, Yumi Hara solo https://www.facebook.com/tamanegibatake/


31 May 2017

Nagoya Valentine Drive, Yumi Hara / Makiko Izumo / Kyoko Ukai 



22 June 2017, Cafe OTO, London, 19.30 https://www.cafeoto.co.uk/events/half-the-sky/

Half the Sky (Yumi Hara, Chris Cutler, Miwazow, Wataru Okuma, Chloe Herington, Mitsuru Nasuno, Dagmar Krause)


23-25 June 2017, Avantgarde Festival, Schiphorst, Germany http://www.avantgardefestival.de/TICKETS.html

Half the Sky (Yumi Hara, Chris Cutler, Miwazow, Wataru Okuma, Chloe Herington, Mitsuru Nasuno, Dagmar Krause)


6 Sept 2017, paper presentation 'Half the Sky: Music of Lindsay Cooper'

at The First International Conference on Women’s Work in Music, Bangor University http://wwm.bangor.ac.uk/programme.php.en#wednesday


28 Oct 2017, Vout-O-Reenee's, The Crypt, 30 Prescot St, E1 8BB London ‘Up Yer Weimar: Celebrating Queer Old Berlin’, with Dalston Ballet Company https://www.facebook.com/events/212584929278200
31 Oct 2017, Rosemary Branch Theatre, Islington, with Dalston Ballet Company

----THE WATTS (Tim Hodgkinson, Chris Cutler, Yumi Hara) Japan Tour 2017-----

24 Nov 2017, Osaka ROCK BAR STARLESS, Chris Cutler's instruction piece 'Conspiracies' workshop


25 Nov 2017, Tokyo BAR ISSHEE, Lindsay Cooper Workshop &
Chris Cutler's instruction piece 'Conspiracies' workshop

26 Nov 2017, Sendai SATIN DOLL 2000

27 Nov 2017, Tokorozawa MOJO, with Kazutoki Umezu (cl, sax), Toshiaki Sudo (b)


28 Nov 2017, Nagoya VALENTINE DRIVE

29 Nov 2017, Oita AT HALL http://www.athall.com/

30 Nov 2017, Yamaguchi Yuda Onsen ORGAN'S MELODY with Yoshimitsu Ichiraku (electronics) video

1 Dec 2017, Kobe BIG APPLE

2 Dec 2017, Oumi Hachiman SAKEDELIC SPACE SHUYUKAN


3 Dec 2017, Takamatsu TOO NICE 'GIGA NOISE' festival


4 Dec 2017, Tokyo Akihabara CLUB GOODMAN

part 1 Canterbury Favourites: Yumi Hara(p, vo), Kazuto Shimizu (key), Toshiaki Sudoh (b), Yuya Osabe (dr) with Tim Hodgkinson (cl) and Chris Cutler (dr)


part 2 THE WATTS

16 Dec 2017, Duckie, Royal Vauxhal Tavern, with Dalston Ballet Company





Last Updated: June 15, 2017